Thursday, August 21, 2008

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Brash

This past weekend Marc's dad and stepmom were here for a visit. Ella has enjoyed having all these visitors this summer, and last weekend was no different. We spent Saturday just hanging around the house and grilled out for dinner. Marc's brother, John, along with Katie and Johnathon were also here for the day. It was good food and just a nice day to hang out. Then on Sunday everyone, except me, went to the Air and Water Show. I had to go to work. They had a lot of fun at the show and Ella kept telling me that she saw "arpains", aka, airplanes. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Ella and Johnathon having some ice cream


Grandma and Grandpa Brash with the kids

Ella and Daddy at dinner

Then on Monday Marc and his dad were able to get in a round of golf while Susan, Ella and I headed to the mall. Susan wanted to get Ella a couple of things for her birthday while she was here. We got her the cutest Minnie Mouse sweatshirt for this fall and some pants and a shirt to match. We had dinner out that night and then Eric and Susan headed out early on Tuesday morning for the long drive back to AZ.

They were our last house guests for the summer, and we are welcoming a weekend by ourselves for a change. Although, we just get the one weekend and then it's up to Wisconsin Dells for labor day with my family. After that Ella and I are heading back to MN with my parents and staying there for almost three weeks. I am looking forward to having time in MN and being able to reconnect with everyone. I'm going to miss Marc, but I'm sure the time will fly by and he'll be up there before I know it. We are staying in MN until the weekend of the 19-21st, which is the weekend of the Breast Cancer 3Day walk that I'm doing with my mom and sister. I'm sure I'll have lots to share after all that time in MN and the walk.