Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just some family updates

Since I haven't been very consistent in updating my blog I thought I should do a quick update of things happening. With Ella turning 3 in September I was able to sign her up for preschool through the park district. She started on September 22 and absolutely loves it! She gets to go with her best friend Emma. Her teachers name is Miss Jenny and she goes Tues and Thursdays from 10:30-noon. It's not too long, but enough time for me to run a couple of quick errands! She is having so much fun so far.
Here is her and Emma walking in on the first day.
That same week she also started her gymnastics class, through the park district as well. She gets to go into class without me and I actually don't get to watch or anything! They shut the door, so that the kids can stay focused and listen to the teacher. I get to see what she has learned on the last day of class. She is loving it and really likes her teacher Ms. Kelly.
Here she is on her first day (in front of the Gatorade machine)

Other happenings in our family is that we are trying to have another baby. For those of you who don't know, Marc and I have been trying to get pregnant since July 2008, so for about 14 months now. We decided to see a fertility specialist and I had my first appointment on September 8th. So, we went through a cycle of fertility treatments, medications and hormones, nothing too major. I will go to the doctor on Monday to see if we are pregnant! If not, we'll try again. Hopefully, I'll have some great news soon!!!!

I'm going to try and keep up better with my blog. I enjoy writing it, I just haven't been getting to it.