Friday, January 16, 2009

A very hard week

So this week has really been testing my patience as a mom. Ella has been throwing bad tantrums and yelling and screaming at her free will. Anytime I say no or she isn't getting what she wants she starts to scream. So, if she doesn't stop I've been giving her a time out which sets her off all over again! Needless to say it's not fun and doesn't bring out the best in either of us. It's hard to rationalize with a two year old and they just don't understand things yet. Although I do usually get an "I'm sorry mommy" from her sometime during the timeout. I do make sure that I ask her what she is sorry for and usually she does know what she should be apologizing for, which is good. I have just been feeling like a bad mom though. It's hard not to lose my patience with her, which I have a few times. I know that yelling back at her isn't going to make things better, but sometimes I just do before I can even think about it. Keeping my cool is not easy. I guess all I can hope for is this latest phase of tantrums doesn't last too long!!

On another note, we are going to try and do potty training this weekend! Wish us luck. I'll post something on Monday and let you know how it's going.


Michelle said...

As someone who has been there, all I can say is "this too shall pass." in a week or two it will all be in the past and she'll have moved on to some other behavior that drives you nuts! :)

Good luck with potty training.

Angie said...

Ahhhhh I can hardly stand the 1 year age far less 2. Hang in there, and from your post it sounds like you are doing a GREAT job handling it. was potty training?!