Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pigtails and Tricycles

Ella is growing up so fast! The last couple of weeks I was able to put her hair in pigtails a couple of times and it makes her look so much older! Like a little girl now, not a baby. Here are a couple of pictures with her pigtails!


Sitting with all her toys in the toy box
Sitting in the toys, and wearing the princess skirt!
As much as I love the pigtails, we had to get her hair cut this past weekend. Her bangs were starting to hang in her eyes again and she just needed a trim. I think I can still do the pigtails, but she won't let me try. I'll have to give it a couple of weeks and try again.

Then last week, Ella got her first tricycle! This was actually a b-day present from Grandma and Grandpa Keyes that got delayed a little bit. She didn't care at all and loved it all the same. Here are a couple of pictures with her new trike and a little "Thank You" video for Grandma and Grandpa.

Packing up the "trunk"

Trying it out
Taking along some friends


Angie said...

Cute video. The pigtails do make her look all grown up.