Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pigtails and Tricycles

Ella is growing up so fast! The last couple of weeks I was able to put her hair in pigtails a couple of times and it makes her look so much older! Like a little girl now, not a baby. Here are a couple of pictures with her pigtails!


Sitting with all her toys in the toy box
Sitting in the toys, and wearing the princess skirt!
As much as I love the pigtails, we had to get her hair cut this past weekend. Her bangs were starting to hang in her eyes again and she just needed a trim. I think I can still do the pigtails, but she won't let me try. I'll have to give it a couple of weeks and try again.

Then last week, Ella got her first tricycle! This was actually a b-day present from Grandma and Grandpa Keyes that got delayed a little bit. She didn't care at all and loved it all the same. Here are a couple of pictures with her new trike and a little "Thank You" video for Grandma and Grandpa.

Packing up the "trunk"

Trying it out
Taking along some friends

My Parents Visit

So, I'm a little behind with this post, but who cares. My parents were in town visiting a couple of weekends ago, along with my Aunt Sandy, Uncle Mark and my cousin Sydney (who's 10). We had a really good time and squeezed in a ton of stuff in just a few days. I wish the weather would have cooperated better though, it wasn't the nicest weekend. They all took the train into town and Marc picked them up from Union Station. They stayed at a hotel downtown this time instead of at our house. We just didn't think we could fit everyone into our condo. We ate a lot of food, good food and walked a lot over the weekend. We went to the observatory deck in the Hancock tower on Friday, which was nice. I had never been up there before, the views were great. It was fun to see everything in the city and be able to point out places.

One of the views

Sydney, Ella and Me up in the Hancock
Sydney and Ella pretending to watch the windows

Sydney and Uncle Mark washing the windows

We also went to the American Girl Store and many other stores on State Street. Then on Saturday we went to the Shed Aquarium, which was a lot of fun. Ella had a great time and I think that everyone else enjoyed it as well. Unfortuntely, Marc didn't come with us, he wasn't feeling well at all on Saturday, so he opted to stay home for the day.

Ella's cute outfit that day!

Ella sitting on the big pumpkin out front of the Shed
Ella and Sydney on the big pumpkins
It was a great weekend and I'm looking forward to spending more time with all of them at Thanksgiving. I love when my parents come to visit, it refreshes me. I truly enjoy spending time with them and seeing Ella with them. Plus, Sydney was great with Ella and it was nice to not have to be the only one keeping an eye on her!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've been tagged

So, I guess my friend Angie tagged me and I'm supposed to follow the rules of being tagged. I am supposed to list 7 things about me, some random, some weird and then tag 7 other blogs. I can list my 7 things, but I don't know 7 people with blogs, and the ones I do know Angie already tagged. I think it's kind of fun to do this, so here it goes:

1. I haven't worked full time since May of 2006!

2. Being a mom is the job I have always wanted. I never was very career driven, I was just waiting for the job I really wanted.

3. I don't feel like Chicago is my home, MN will always be home.

4. I love ice cream.

5. I love to plan and be organized. I need to know what is going on and when stuff is going to happen. I even plan out our weekly dinners and write it down so I don't forget.

6. I look forward to the Sunday paper :) I like to look at the ads.

7. I can't wait to be pregnant again, I loved being pregnant.

Well, there are my 7 things about myself. Sorry, I don't have anyone to pass this tag along too :(

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

So, I know it's been awhile since I've written and I have a lot to share about Halloween. We started the fun about a week ago with a trip to Spooky Zoo at Lincoln Park Zoo. Every year since I've lived here we have gone. The first year Marc and I volunteered at it and then we've brought Ella every year since she was born. They have some entertainment and characters walking around, then they have tables set up with goodies for the kids. The lines can get pretty long, but Ella still doesn't care that much so we can get by with just a couple of goodies. She more enjoyed just seeing the animals and all the other kids dressed up.

Our little zebra

Mommy even dressed up, kind of
A zebra looking at the zebras

A tree hugger
Sleeping on Daddy's head after a long day

Then on Halloween Ella had a party at gym daycare in the morning. The kids got to wear their costumes and they had cookies for them and decorated the room. They brought in the TV and they got to watch a couple of cartoons as a special treat. Ella had a good time and too many cookies I'm sure. Oh, and I also put her hair in pigtails for the first time that day.


Ella and her friends, Ella and Brady (twins)

We were lucky enough to get invited to a very nice neighborhood for trick or treating. A guy from Marc's work invited us to come trick or treating in his neighborhood. They live in a sort of "gated" neighborhood, so hardly any cars and lots of families. Eric and Erica have two little girls, 3 and almost 1, so Ella fit right in. They have a little tradition there of a Halloween parade. Everyone gathers in one area and all the kids can see each other and walk around for awhile. Then they start moving through the neighborhood for the actual trick or treating. People stand in the streets or by their garages, so the kids don't have to actually go up to the doors. It was fun, Ella had such good time.
Getting ready for trick or treating

Talia, her trick or treating companion
Look at that bag, already dragging

Ella and daddy

Trick or treating, it's a little dark, but cute

After the kids finished up with the candy we stayed over for awhile and ate dinner. Ella and Talia got to have a "picnic" with their dinner. They shared some edamame and then got hot dogs and a little bit of their candy.

Ella and Talia having dinner
I think we had a very fun Halloween and it was great to see Ella enjoying herself and starting to understand what was going on.