Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ella being Ella

Ella is being so funny and cute lately (well, when she isn't whining!). The past week actually wasn't so much fun, Ella had a fever for a few days and a really stuffy nose. She wasn't really sleeping for more than 2-3 hours at a time for 2 nights in a row! It was horrible for both of us. She is feeling much better now and sleep almost all night last night and so far tonight is doing well. Needless to say we didn't have a very fun week, her and I spent most of the week in our pj's just hanging around the house. Thank goodness that Marc came home early one day so that I could get out and have some time to myself!
The week before last though was good and Ella and I have been having a lot of fun. I took her to the Nature Museum here (they have free days on Thursdays) and we met up with a friend and her daughter. They had a lot of fun playing in the little play area and exploring the butterfly garden. Here is a video of her going through the butterfly garden.

She has also been very into having her clips in her hair (although she doesn't usually keep them in very long). Here are a couple of pictures with her clips in.

Another thing she is doing lately is trying to wear my or Marc's shoes. We usually keep a pair or two of shoes by the front door and she goes over and tries to put them on herself, or she gets us to help her. If she gets mine on she can actually walk around in them, it is so cute. Here she is wearing my shoes and drinking her milk.

Being like mommy!

Then the other night she was trying to be like daddy and carry his briefcase! It's way too heavy for her to carry, but she was going to try anyway. She also has her little overnight bag that was lying out on the floor.
We just can't believe how much she is changing lately and how fast. We are trying to encourage new words with her, but her favorite right now is "ba-by". She calls everything baby. Although if we ask where her baby is, she does go and get her baby dolls. The only other words she has right now is "hi" and "oh-oh". We love the way she says "hi", it is just a such a sweet little voice and she has the beauty pageant wave to go with it!