Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas' (the last two)

Well, this week is back to work and the old routine. It is actually welcomed though since we were so busy over the last few weeks. Christmas was good to us, even despite all the traveling we did. We spent four days in Missouri with my family over Christmas eve and Christmas day and enjoyed watching Ella trying new things. This year in Missouri we actually had a white Christmas, which doesn't happen very often. With the snow we spent more time outside and the kids loved it. There were a couple of 4-wheelers at my grandparents house and everyone took advantage of them. Here are pictures of us enjoying the great outdoors.

Ella and Kaia

Ella and I going for a ride

The kids going for a wagon ride

Besides playing outside everyone had a good time opening presents and spending time with family. Ella really got into the presents and enjoyed opening hers and trying to open other peoples as well. It was so fun to see Ella interact with her cousins and trying to play with the big kids!
Attempt at taking a cousin picture

Reading with Aunt Alicia (in our matching pj's)

After we returned from MO, we were home for a day and then headed off to Ohio to do Christmas with Marc's mom and the rest of his siblings. After driving through every type of precipitation possible to get to Ohio we made it, only to have Marc wake up the next day feeling sick. He wasn't feeling well for our entire trip and then I wasn't feeling good for the trip back home. It was nice to be there though and see everyone. Again Ella enjoyed the presents. Ella even got to spend a whole night with Grandma and Grandpa Keyes, and it sounds like she had fun.

Playing with Daddy's presents

Sharing daddy's candy

The last day we were in Ohio, Ella and I went with Rachael to see Great Grandma Brash. Ella was such a trooper all day with the traveling and did great at the nursing home. She liked seeing the resident dog, Bella. Here a few pictures from the visit.
Posing with Great grandma and Rachael

Watching Grandma