Thursday, December 13, 2007


It has been a busy week and we are just getting started. This weekend is our first Christmas with Marc's Dad and Stepmom. We are looking forward to it, but it's going to be busy having extra people in the house. I have been baking for the last three nights and it has been exhausting!! We made treats for Marc to bring in for his assistants and we also brought treats to all the ladies who work in the daycare at the gym. They all got their treats today and everyone had rave reviews, so all the work payed off!
I am started to get really excited for Christmas and seeing my family. Having Christmas this weekend with Eric and Susan will really kick off the holiday and make it real. I can't wait to see how Ella reacts to all the festivities. She is just growing up so much lately and acting like a toddler more and more each day. She understands almost everything we say and knows exactly what she wants and does her best to communicate it to us. She is also very into her winter hats now and wants to wear them all the time, even in the house. I don't have a picture yet, but I'll post one soon. She has so many of them that I let her pick out which one she wants to wear when we leave the house, it's pretty cute.