Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Fun!

Ella had her first Halloween party last Thursday at the daycare at the gym. She is a skunk this year and wore her costume the whole time she was at daycare, mommy got to go workout.
Then on Saturday we went to Spooky Zoo at the Lincoln Park Zoo and she had a blast. She dressed up again and got to go around and see all the animals and all the other kids. She loved having her pumpkin bucket to put any treats in.

She also got to meet some characters along the way and wasn't afraid of any of them. Here she is meeting Mickey Mouse.
Ella was such a good girl the whole day. I can't believe how big she is getting, she is definitely not a baby anymore! I think that she enjoyed the whole experience of Spooky Zoo. Here is a video of her dancing to a band at the zoo.

We also went to get a couple of pumpkins yesterday at a pumpkin lot down the street. Ella loved it! I didn't think she would be that into it, but she was so into the pumpkins. She wanted to hold one she picked out the whole time. We are going to carve one so she can see a jack-o-lantern, even though no one else will probably see it.