Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Allergy update

I just realized that I never posted an update about Ella and the possible allergies. We saw a specialist while we were in MN and he was very helpful and answered all my questions. Basically he said that he doesn't believe Ella has any allergies! There is a 50-60% false positive rate with the blood allergy tests. He said that in children they almost never test for food allergies unless they show a reaction to food. Good news for us, but a very stressful couple of weeks. Glad that we saw the specialist and got some expert advice.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3 year Check-up

Today I took Ella in for her three year check up and she got her flu shot. So, she is 36 1/2 inches tall and 28.5 lbs. A little small, she is about the 25% for both height and weight. I'm not surprised that she is small, I was the same way. I was always really small until I hit puberty, so she may be the same way.

I can't believe that she will be three is less than 2 weeks!! She is such a great little girl. She is very caring and always thinking. She loves animals (both real and stuffed), hot dogs, crackers, her kitties, and blanky! She told me that her best friends are Emma and Kaia (her cousin). Ella is also going to start a preschool program next week. It is two days a week for and hour and a half. Not much, but something for now. I'm excited for her to have more independence and see what she can do.