Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Even though we had a great Thanksgiving, we are glad that it's over. It's hard traveling with Ella and trying to get her to sleep well at other houses. We traveled to Ohio to spend Thanksgiving at Marc's sister's house with his family. Actually it ended up being about 34 people for Thanksgiving dinner!!! It was a full house to say the least.
Ella had a great time though, sans sleep. She is on the move constantly now, that's right she is walking. Here is a video of her walking right before we left for Thanksgiving.

At Aunt Rachael's house Ella discovered the hearth to the fireplace and thought that it was a great place to take a seat. Whenever mommy and daddy were sitting there she wanted to sit up there too.

Ella also enjoyed playing with Grandpa Keyes a lot, he was always on the floor with her.
All in all it was a great Thanksgiving, we just had to deal with a crabby Ella for a couple of days after we got home.

We also went out this past weekend and got our Christmas tree! We got it up and decorated. Ella has been really good with it so far, not touching too much. We just ordered a baby gate to go around it though, just in case. Pictures to come of the tree.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ella's Walking!

That's right everyone, Ella is walking. Well, not as her primary mode of transportation yet, but she is definitely on her way. She started taking steps on Sunday and has been going strong ever since. At home we can get her to take about 4-10 steps at a time. The ladies at the daycare told me that yesterday she walked halfway across the room, of course she did that there and not at home! Here is a video we took of her walking the other day. It's not the best, but we'll get some more.

Besides walking, she is getting much more verbal. No words yet, but lots and lots of sounds. She is also using her signs really well lately, she knows: eat, please, more and dog. When she wants her milk she says "maa". It's amazing what she understands even though she can't talk back yet.
Right now we are getting ready for a visit from my parents this weekend. We are looking forward to a fun weekend and to be able to get out of the house and do some things. I'm sure I'll have lots more to write about after this weekend and the upcoming holidays.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Keyes

Well, we just took a trip to NC to visit Marc's mom and stepdad, for Ella and me it was our first trip out there. We had a lot of fun out there and enjoyed the time away. We drove up to the mountains one day and spent the day in a cute little town called Bowling Rock, it was beautiful.

It was fun to spend time with Alice and Mitch and Marc's sisters as well. While we were there Ella started getting more adventurous with her trying to walk. She was taking laps around the kitchen with Grandpa Keyes help. She also was standing up all over the place, without holding on for help. Here is another picture of her doing one of her favorite things, swinging!